Princess Attah

Princess Attah who gives birth to the children in my novel, Harem Twins, reveals her journey to Egypt.

Mitanni Kingdom 1500 BC (Within the Babylonian Empire)

One day, Father summoned me to his throne and asked that I sit upon his lap. As he fingered one of my earrings, he spoke. “I am told that you received your days of the moon,” Princess Attah.”

I nodded and knew what was coming. My aunts had told me what would happen when my days of the moon arrived. Usually a mother would explain this to her daughter, but my mother is dead. “I am to leave the kingdom of Mitanni and be given to a god named Pharaoh.”

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To write well is to think clearly, that’s why it’s so hard, but it’s also why it’s so enjoyable. Writing is hard work but I never equated ease with happiness. I am often happier when I am working (writing) than doing anything else.    -David Mc Cullough

The Royal Gardener and Royal Astrologer Dine

Royal Gardener Sennejem arrived at the portal of Abu’s large apartment as Ra, the sun, was leaving Egypt. He stood before a tall door carved of imported cedar. Abu’s pet baboon, Huni, heard him before he knocked, and began to whimper as the aged Butler Farafra shuffled his way toward the door.

When the door opened, Sennejem handed Farafra a basket of ripe figs, saying, “These are for Huni.” The butler nodded, bowed as deep as his old body allowed, then with a scrawny arm silently offered Sennejem entrance.

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