Harem Twins

In Pharaoh’s harem tent, Ra peered over the horizon at daybreak as Princess Attah of Mitanni gave birth to a girl. Gasping, she pulled her slave, Maja, close and whispered into her ear in their native language, “Keep the secret I am about to tell you, you promise?” Maja nodded, her black eyes growing wider as Attah spoke. The twelve-year-old princess soon delivered a second baby, the girl’s twin brother. Minutes later, a weeping Maja closed Attah’s eyes and wiped the sweat from her young face for the last time. Silent eunuchs covered the still body with a simple linen sheet and sent for the morticians...


The Harem Twins Trilogy was inspired by an archeological tour of ancient Egypt - a trip I had long aspired to take. Most of my life, I have enjoyed being an armchair archeologists regarding ancient Egypt with special interest in the 18th Dynasty. Get the first installation on Amazon now. The second is available and the third is in work.


Spoilers for Book 1 below!!!!


Princess Becataten survives the birth of boy and girl twins. When Pharaoh learns one child is a male, he sends Becataten’s husband away and deems Becataten’s boy twin his. Queen Tiy learns of this and sees this twin a threat to her only living son. Becataten’s plan to save her son, puts her life and marriage into grave danger. She suffers a harrowing escape from the madness of the royal family only to learn her husband has been captured by natives in the Land of the Bow.