How To Plan a Great 87th Academy Awards Party

  1. Email a themed invitation (see example above - click to enlarge) and require a prompt RSVP so you can email your guests a ballot (see example below - click to enlarge.) Guests to arrive with ballots filled out (or emailed - if coming late). Require all guests bring a bottle of wine to be divided among the three winning guests.

  2. If you have a computer techie, who is willing, ask him/her to create a program or a less complicated spreadsheet to track guests’ correct choices. If not, designate ahead someone to handle this paperwork. (Have questions prepared about the movies to break any ties.)

  3. Download and print pictures of nominated films and stars for decor.

  4. A red carpet remnant at your front door enhances the Oscar theme.

  5. If possible, record the Award’s Party, even the interviews on the red carpet. When guests arrive, start watching from wherever desired.

  6. Tie the food to the motion pictures nominated. Order some dishes in, have guests bring a few, and cook one or two yourself. Example:


THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING – Welch Rarebit, Toast, & Raw Veggies

THE IMITATION GAME – Water Crest Sandwiches

BOYHOOD – Mini Sliders

WHIPLASH – Chicken Drumettes

SELMA – Cornbread and Greens


BIRDMAN – New York Cheese Cake

AMERICAN SNIPER – *Snickers Marathon Bars

*A 650-calorie power bar – A recently returned vet from Afghanistan said, “A sniper would have more than one of these in his pocket.”